If you are interested in a place for your child/children at Allesley Hall Primary School, you can contact the school to arrange a visit.
The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 required all infant (Year R, 1 & 2) class sizes to be limited to a maximum of 30 by September 2001. Admission numbers are therefore based on multiples of 15 and 30, which helps schools to organise infant classes of 30 or fewer.
The admission arrangements for the school are controlled by the Children, Learning and Young People’s Directorate of Coventry City Council. For the most recent Admissions Policy please click here or to see this on the council website please click the link below.
To view the latest Coventry Primary Co-Ordinated Admissions Scheme please click here.
To apply for a primary school KS1 or KS2 place parents should contact Primary Admissions at Coventry City Council by telephone 02476 831613 or email
Contact the school office for a paper version
To apply for a primary school reception place parents should complete the application form online as explained in the leaflet ‘Starting a New Primary School in September at If parents need assistance with this please call into the school office for a paper version. The school’s admission limit for Reception is 30.
Admissions limits
If there are more requests for a school than places available within the school’s admission limit, places will be allocated according to the local authority admissions policy. Full details of the admission policy are given in the Children, Learning and Young People’s Directorate annual publication ‘Primary Education in Coventry.’ This booklet is available from Primary Schools or the Children, Learning and Young People’s Directorate, Civic Centre, 1 Little Park Street, Coventry CV1 5RS, or by telephoning (024) 76831622 or 76832499.