Anti Bullying Ambassadors
ABA Video - this is what we do...
Our ABAs in Year 2 3 4 5 and 6 have made a video to explain what bullying is and how the ABAs can support if needed. They also talk about what happens in school and what to do if any child at AHPS might be worried. Our ABAs are knowledgeable and pro active. We are very proud of the work they do at AHPS.
See the video below...
All children in Years 2 3 4 5 and 6 are invited to apply to become ABAs each year. Every year we receive many fantastic applications, many children are invited to an interview with Miss King. The children eventually chosen were those who answered the questions thoughtfully and carefully but especially those who showed particular empathy, strength and courage. Our ABAs have a very special set of qualities.
Every day we have 2 ABAs on duty from each year group.They make themselves as visible as possible to all by wearing high-vis ABA jackets.
As a school we have ABAs because we want to help children who believe they are being bullied and to protect children from bullying. We do this by:
- Looking out for people who look sad or upset
- Talking to and listening to pupils
- Reminding pupils not to be afraid to talk to someone about bullying
- Checking our ABA worries and suggestion boxes
Please click here to to see the presentation made by the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at the Anti-Bullying Parents' Meeting.