At Allesley Hall Primary School we are very proud of our sporting provision. We have a specialist teacher Mr Styles who teaches all of our children from Reception to year 6. He supports our children in understanding how to keep physically healthy and how to maintain healthy lifestyles. There are ample opportunities for our pupils to be active during the school day through the taught curriculum and through extra curricular activities.
Each child's individual fitness and 'personal bests' are tracked across their time at Allesley Hall. We place a firm emphasis on being the best that you can be and individual improvements and successes.
Competition and team games are an integral part of our sporting curriculum. Children develop key skills, refine and practice them with the aim of then applying them to the context of a game or a sport.
We have competitions within classes and year groups and across the school. We also take part in competitions across the city. Team work and sportsmanship are qualities we place a high value on.
Mr Styles identifies a 'star performer' within every lesson. This child can be identified for many reasons such as showing great skill, developing expertise in a specific area of sport or being a great team player. We actively look to celebrate all children of all abilities.
We are always keen to engage the children with local, national and international sporting events. We immerse the children in events such as the Rugby World Cup and Olympic Games to give their understanding of sports meaning but also to instil a sense of aspiration for themselves and their future sporting abilities.