Allesley Hall Primary School

Allesley Hall Primary School

Parents' Evenings 

At Allesley Hall we believe that working in partnership with parents and families is a vital part of every child's education. We hold parents' evenings twice a year. The first being in the autumn term and the second being in the spring term.

Both evenings are an opportunity to talk to your child's class teacher to discuss the progress they have made so far, their current provision and their future targets that they can further develop upon. 

Autumn Term - Online Discussion via School Cloud 

The Autumn term parents evening is held via School Cloud. This is our online system where parents can have a video call discussion with their child's class teacher to discuss how they have settled into the new academic year. 

The ink below outlines for parents how to access and use School Cloud to facilitate this meeting. If families have any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact us at the school office for further support. 

Parent Guide how to use school cloud 

Spring Term - Face to Face Discussion in School 

As part of the Spring term parents evening we hold a community market place. This is held in the school hall. We invite many agencies who support children and families such as the school nursing team, the dental nurses and our local family hub. Our catering team and school cook also attend this event. This allows parents who have any dietary requirements to discuss specifics with our school cook who always endeavours to support all of our children's needs. Our PTA attend this event to share their fundraising plans and engage more families to support with their ongoing efforts. We hold a second hand school uniform sale on these evenings. We have also had the schools library service attend where families have been able to sign up to their local library. 

We are proud that as a school community this is an opportunity for families to be supported 'in the round'.