Allesley Hall Primary School

Allesley Hall Primary School

School Uniform

As a school we believe the wearing of uniform has the following advantages:

  • It helps to promote a sense of belonging to the school
  • It provides maximum safety and protection for work and recreation
  • It reduces opportunities for children to be competitive about what they wear to school
  • It is easily recognised when children are on school visits.

Royal blue sweatshirt
Royal blue cardigan

White polo shirt/ shirt / blouse

Grey/ black trousers or shorts
Grey/ black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
Blue checked dresses in summer

We ask that children wear black shoes suitable for school wear.

School sweatshirts and other uniform items can be purchased from The Schoolwear Company on Winsford Avenue. Further details can be obtained from the school office.

The wearing of jewellery, except stud earrings, by any child is not allowed in the interest of safety. The school will not accept responsibility for any jewellery that is lost or stolen. Children who have pierced ears are requested to wear stud earrings and these must be removed or covered with micro pore tape during a PE lesson. Only for the reasons of Religious significance is the wearing of jewellery acceptable in school.

We ask that children do not have dyed, bleached or inappropriate hairstyles.

AHPS Pre Loved Uniform 

At AHPS we run a uniform exchange. We hold a stock of second hand uniform donated by families as their children have grown. We call this our 'Pre Loved Uniform' 

We are happy to simply exchange or take a small donation of £1 per uniform item. Our PTA help us to order and organise the uniform exchange stock. If you wish to request uniform please email the school admin email account and we will endeavour to meet your requests.

If you have old, unused, nearly new or simply outgrown uniform you are willing to donate please drop it off to the school office. T-shirts, skirts, trousers, dresses, jumpers, cardigans, coats, shoes and PE kit shorts and T shirts would be be very gratefully received. 

Physical Education Kit

It is important that children have a change of clothes for PE and the following basic kit is recommended: Navy blue/ black shorts, White T-shirt, Pumps

For outdoor games the children may also wish to wear trainers and tracksuits during cold weather.

All clothing including coats, shoes and PE clothing should be named.

The school cannot be held responsible for personal items that are lost or stolen within school.