Allesley Hall Primary School

Allesley Hall Primary School


Family App

We use an online learning platform at AHPS for our children and families called Seesaw. This platform enhances our opportunities to link with home and school. Learning experiences and activities in school  can be shared directly with families at home. School and home can communicate effectively though this safe, secure online platform.

The Seesaw family app can be downloaded by families at home to a phone, IPad or a laptop through a specific link that you can gain from the school. We will then be able to share school learning, whole school announcements and class specific alerts and messages with you. 

Class App

The class app will be used if children need to undertake remote learning. Their home learning will be sent through the Class App (as well as email, on the school website and paper copies if needed). Families can then upload their home learning and send it directly to their class teachers. Class teachers will be able to feedback to children and families individually. Links to the class app will be sent home with families if the need for remote learning arises.